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Trip to Alabama

DC Dave

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Well, my trip to Alabama was interesting and a bit of a challenge. Being used to doing floors in a dry climate like Colorado, I was faced with a few challenges in the 85% humidity of Alabama.

To get you up to speed, I have a regular repeat customer in Colorado who hired me to go all the way to Birmingham, AL to refinish floors in two of his houses there. I thought my biggest problem would be forgetting some tool or something I needed back in CO, but it was dealing with the humidity in AL that was the biggest challenge. It literally took days for my finishes to dry. Scraping and sanding was also problematic because it was so humid that the sawdust created by my sanding equipment stuck to everything. I was soaking wet from sweat after only about 5 minutes of work…but that awesome Southern cooking made up for it. I enjoyed some amazing down-home food and probably gained about 10 pounds before I came back to CO.

As luck would have it, I just had another repeat customer ask me if I would do a floor for him in Indiana. Not sure the food will be quite the same. But I think the mileage will be less.

DC Dave



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Loveland, Colorado

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